Thursday, December 11, 2008

Something to ponder~

Why is it that when someone has a terminal illness and is a DNR (do not resusitate) they go to extreme lengths to prolong their life? I don't know why you would want to make a loved one suffer for your own selfish reasons and inability to cope with the finality of life. I see it everyday. Family members that have POA (power of attorney) and make all medical decisions for their loved one. What people don't understand is that every human being, if able, should die with dignity and respect. Not with people pushing on their chest, breaking ribs, sticking tubes down their throat, sticking lines into their arteries etc.... I have NO problem discussing plan of care or end of life care with families. I usually do it before the docs. So many people have guilt and remorse for "giving up" on their family member. There is a time when reality vs. miracles takes place. No one wants to give up that glimmer of hope, but quality of life is far more important than quantity of life. It is difficult to watch someone's heartbeat on the monitor drop from 50 to 30 to 10 to asystole. To be in the presence of a person when they pass, I feel is an honor. Sometimes their families are present, other times they are alone. It is bizarre to hold the hand of someone when they die or stroke their forehead. But that just isn't a patient. That is someone who was a full of life at one point. Who enjoyed the same everyday things you and I enjoy. That was someone's mother, father, sister, brother and soulmate... I always get a little more sensitive around the holidays when you find out your patient has cancer or other terminal disease. It makes me thankful every second that my family is healthy. I wouldn't trade my profession for anything in the world. I feel that God gave me the abilities to be a nurse. Well, that's my little story of the day...


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you and the wonderful woman, wife, mother, nurse and DAUGHTER that you are....


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